BHA Consulting LLC
About BHA

Health and Welfare Consulting

Annual Services

BHA will prepare reports of regular and routine information about the Plan for the Trustees. These reports will include budget projections for upcoming years and will contain information on the Plan’s financial position. These reports will review contributions, other income, expenses and the Plan’s reserve position. BHA will provide information and data on claims experience and other benefit-related expenditures and will review insurance and other provider renewal proposals. For insured benefits, BHA will also report on insurance carrier experience accountings and policy settlement analyses.


BHA will calculate the costs for core coverage and for total health coverage charged to former participants and family members who elect to continue the Plan’s benefits. BHA will provide technical expertise on COBRA administration questions.  BHA will also prepare COBRA manuals and revisions to procedures and forms, including updates.

Provider Studies

BHA will identify potential providers and products for funded and self-funded benefits. We develop bidding specifications, invite companies to make proposals, and evaluate proposals for pricing and services. We will then prepare a comprehensive, written report addressing their financial strengths and claims paying ability, suitability of product offerings for your specific benefit designs, product pricing and financial performance, and meet with you to discuss our recommendations and answer your questions.

Additional Services include:

    • Review and Analysis of Benefit Plans
    • Budget Projections
    • Evaluation of  Major Changes in Benefits and Eligibility Rules
    • Calculation of Employer Contribution Requirements
    • Detailed Examination of Claims Experience
    • Special Studies of Managed Care Plans and Cost Management Techniques
    • Preparation of Summary Plan Descriptions and Plan Documents
    • Participant Communications
    • Trends in Legislation, Benefits and Plan Design
    • Compliance Review
    • FASB ASC 965/GASB 43 and 45 – Postretirement Benefit Obligation Valuations


BHA Consulting LLC
5400 Laurel Springs Pkwy, Suite 1306
Suwanee, GA 30024

Phone: 678-456-6200
Fax: 678-456-6205
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