BHA Consuting LLC
About BHA

Actuarial Services & Pension Consulting


BHA performs annual actuarial calculations for Pension Plans and Health and Welfare Funds providing postretirement benefits.  Reports outline the cost of the benefit program, including specific details on both the benefit structure and the ongoing funding progress.  Detailed historical trends and ongoing risk analysis are included.  Updates to the Plans Actuarial Funding Status and current Funding Percentage are provided with long range forecasts under multiple projection scenarios. 

Trustee Reporting

The Trustees are provided with timely results including an Executive Summary providing clear options and recommendations necessary to make effective decisions regarding future Plan direction.  The report will contain a discussion of the funded status of the Plan, an analysis of the change from the previous year in that status as well as in the liabilities and value of Plan assets, and any pertinent legislative or other developments that may affect the Plan. 


Reports contain all of the disclosures needed by the Plan’s outside auditors.  Reports will include a discussion of the range of permitted contributions and a demonstration of the Plan’s compliance with ERISA or other applicable governmental funding requirements as well as any GASB or FASB statements required. 

Additional Services include:

  • General Consultation and Analytical Services
  • FASB ASC 965/GASB 74 and 75 – Postretirement Benefit Obligation Valuations
  • Calculation of Employer Contribution Requirements
  • Review and Analysis of Benefit Plans
  • Compliance Review
  • Experience Reviews
  • Trends in Legislation, Benefits and Plan Design
  • Preparation of Summary Plan Descriptions and Plan Documents
  • Benefit Study Design and Impact
  • Participant Communications
  • Analysis of Service Providers



BHA Consulting LLC
5400 Laurel Springs Pkwy, Suite 1306
Suwanee, GA 30024

Phone: 678-456-6200
Fax: 678-456-6205
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